Friday 21 June 2013

Movie Month

Pic Courtesy Gomattolson, Flickr

It's about time I caught up on films. In my younger days I was a major film buff- before I discovered alcohol, women, literature, house music, martial arts, gym and, well, other vices.

Previously, if I heard a conversation about films happening nearby, I'd try and involve myself in it because I'd probably know what they were talking about. Between 15 and 18, films were MY LIFE. My trivia was shit-hot, I was highly critical of mediocre movies, and I sought out all the old classics from every decade for my burgeoning collection.

Then I got to university. I started to realise I needed to get out more. I'd studied media for that long before I even got there that watching any form of media was now “work”- I was in analysis-mode the moment the film began, the moment I turned the TV on, the moment I heard the radio.

I started to go off it all. But I ploughed on with the course regardless. I still love bars and clubs today and still want to get out as much as possible, but now when people discuss films, there's a good chance I won't have seen it if it's a recent movie. So, for the next month I'm going to sit and watch a load of films. Yes, how outgoing and exciting of me.

I've got a list of films to check out. What's your recommendation?


Anonymous said...

Taken 2

CageFightingBlogger said...

I'll have to watch the first one first. I hope it's not just an Irish version of Commando. Or Ransom.

Anonymous said...

Taken 2 is a shit version of Taken. Dont watch the first one first, watch the first one ONLY!

Then again you werent keen on Django Unchained so a shit film might be right up your straße ;)

CageFightingBlogger said...

A regular reader are we?! Interesting... I'd really like to know your opinons on Django after watching this video:

Anonymous said...

Occasional. But fond.

Re the video, other than the opening point about the back story (which itself is really just an inconsequential omission) I'd say its nothing but a list of the same kind of trivial editing and continuity problems that you could attribute to any movie.

About the person who made the video, I'd say some people have too much time on their hands.

To the person who made the video I'd say, lets see you do better motherfucker.