Sunday 4 December 2011

Free Cards to Promote Your Blog

Keep your eyes peeled for these little beauties doing the rounds in and around Manchester...

If you're a blogger it's a good plan to check out Vistaprint,  a firm providing a wide range of office / business-based merchandise. The web-based company will give you 250 cards for free. Choose from 42 different designs. The site is easy to use and they deliver to pretty much everywhere in the world. You even get a snazzy free metal case to store them in.

The upside to having a blog card: You can always let people know your URL if you've featured something that they might be interested in. They can take it with them and, as long as they have the card, they'll remember you. It's handy for writing events, blog meetups, feedback groups or just for “accidentally” leaving around the place.

The downside to having a blog card: You look like these guys.


Eric Indiana said...

I just leave digital business cards around the web, like this:

"Be sure to visit, before it's too late."

The upside is that they remain in cyberspace forever.

CageFightingBlogger said...

Hi Eric- I certainly do a lot of comment-posting and that does get me a decent wad of traffic. Sometimes, though, people need a little encouragement to go online in the first place. I try to write for people who don't like reading, so to get that particular market you need something to hand that will send them the net :)