Friday 9 September 2011

Subway is NOT a health food.

I had a bit of a wake-up call recently when somebody showed me this website claiming that it’s actually “healthier” to gorge on Big Macs than it is to chow down on the majority of Subway sandwiches. Subway’s ethos of providing supposedly healthy food, carrying the misleading phrase “eat fresh”, pulled the sandwich wrapper right over my eyes. It tricked a vast number of other Britons and countless Americans too. Check out “Is Subway Healthier than McDonalds?” halfway down.

It’s a personal blog and not an official website, but the page is- I’m sure you’ll agree- very believable.

I’ve been eating a six-inch sandwich three times a week- considering it a “light snack” between work and the gym- for the past six months. No wonder I’ve piled on weight and lost my six-pack- despite smashing the gym six times a week!

This changes now. As well as cutting out Tesco Value goods, I’m also avoiding Subway like a large bucket of fat. For exercise, I’ll keep hammering the weights, and will stick at Boxercise and MMA Circuit (See here). These are two classes at Oldham Community Leisure that will definitely increase strength and endurance. I’ll get back to the physique I had before I moved out of my parents’- which, for the record, was pretty damned good.

I’ll blog again in a month. Rather than comparing body weight (I could go down cutting fat or up building muscle) I’ll compare cardio / strength records at the gym. I expect good results, and will no longer have a sub-standard physique (pun intended).


Tom Charnock said...

you a fat twat now then Matthew? I've always steered clear of Subway as I've always known it's just as bad for you as Maccy's et al. And it's expensive as fuck!

CageFightingBlogger said...

I don't have the adonis figure I once had, but I haven't had Subway in a few weeks now and the constant smashing of the gym coupled with healthy eating is gradually carving me back to shape. By the way, I linked up your "shitting the room" story a few posts ago... have you had any traffic from it?